Adult webcam sites

Cold Weather Mean More People on Adult Webcams!

It’s adult webcam season! So for most people who hear this, they would surely ask what does that mean?

Why People Use Adult webcams More in the Winter

As it turns out this time of year, October – March to be precise is when the adult webcam industry experiences the most users. As it turns out, in the winter time when colder weather sets in in the United States and the UK, people tend to retreat to more activities closer to home. Sexual patterns change as well. To be exact the adult webcam industry spikes about 30% between October and March and remains relatively high through the middle of April.

Colder weather means more people using adult webcam sites.
According to statistics, colder weather means more people using adult webcam sites.

Adult Webcams have grown in popularity a lot of recent years and according to the most recent statistics more than 1 in 10 males use sex webcam sites on a routine basis. Among females, the usage is much lower with just about 1 out of every 300. However, when looking at the makeup of those working on adult webcams the numbers are skewed in the opposite direction. More and more women freelance in the evenings, many of who still work other full-time jobs in order to make ends meet or just make extra cash.

Adult Webcam News, What is that?

As a blogger that discusses adult webcam sites, I find it interesting that there are not more public sources for consumers when it comes to cam sites for adults. Considering the massive volume of people that seek out private sexual entertainment on webcams one would think that more public information would be available about sites of this nature. We occasionally pass along interesting facts about adult webcam sites that we get from the industry representatives but much of that is hard to substantiate. We think over time the volume of information about adult webcam sites will grow offering people more places to get information about how sex cam sites work.

Our role though is in sharing information about which adult webcam sites are trustworthy and what the key differences are with respect to costs, features, and the like.

Here is a list of some of the recent sites that we have tested and tried before sharing publicly our experiences using these sites.


Or check out other recent live adult webcam reviews.

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